
The South Well Field Project Receives International Attention!

The BPU's South Well Field project is receiving international attention. General Manager Josh Bedel, and Project Manager Chris Unruh were invited along with Engineers from Burns & McDonnell to present in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where they were asked to share with the attendees at the Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute's (UESI) Pipeline conference  how McPherson [...]

South Well Field Project Update, June 2024

Incredible progress has been made on the collection of projects referred to as The South Well Field Project since breaking ground a little over a year ago.  Below is an update from Chris Unruh, BPU Project Engineer on the status of each one of the projects. South Well Field Production Wells With PLi finishing up [...]

June 3rd, 2024|Uncategorized|

McPherson BPU Lineman Assist in Power Restoration in North KC

On Sunday, May 19th, a powerful storm blew through Kansas, affecting many different communities throughout the State. Among the hardest hit were customers of the Kansas City BPU. On Monday, the management at McPherson BPU received a request from the Kansas Municipal Utilities, who manage the Kansas Mutual Aid Program for Utilities (KSMAP). They were [...]

May 24th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Unexpected Visitors: Honeybees!

The BPU had some unexpected visitors on Friday, April 5th. One employee went to lunch like usual; however, when he returned, he noticed that a large swarm of honeybees had decided to make the BPU’s dwarf cherry tree its new home!- Who can blame them? These trees are beautiful this time of year! Realizing that [...]

BPU General Manager, Josh Bedel Joins KMU Delegation at the APPA Legislative Rally

From February 26th through February 28th, BPU's General Manager, Josh Bedel, attended the American Public Power Association's (APPA) Legislative Rally in Washington, D.C. Bedel was joined by 12 other Kansas municipal leaders to advocate for public utilities. The group had an opportunity to meet on Capitol Hill with congressional offices to discuss six topics that [...]

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