News & Updates

Recent Scam!

BPU Customers, be on high alert! Scammers are once again targeting homes and businesses in McPherson, demanding payment and threatening disconnection if payment isn’t made immediately. DON’T FALL FOR IT! We recently received several reports from customers in McPherson who have received a call from someone stating they worked for the Board of Public Utilities [...]

July 22nd, 2021|News & Updates|

KMU’s Colin Hansen Named APPA’s new Board Chair Delivers Moving Speech on the Resilience, Resourcefulness, and Accomplishments of Small Public Power Utilities.

Congratulations to APPA's new Board Chair, Colin Hansen, whose moving speech at his installation focused on the resilience, resourcefulness, and accomplishments of small utilities, as well as on his compelling personal story. We look forward to watching him advance public power’s priorities on the National level as he has for Kansas' municipal utilities.

Time-lapse of BPU Mohawk Substation Project

Follow the links below to see the progress over the year! May 2020 - July 2020 - Sep 2020 - Feb 2021 - March 2021 - May 2021 -

Polar Vortex Fallout: Energy Adder Adjustments

Due to the February cold weather, BPU’s purchase power bill from Evergy was approximately 3 times a typical bill.  Around 91% of the energy purchased by the utility was close to normal cost, with 9% being in the neighborhood of 35 times normal.  In an effort to soften the substantial swing in electric bills, the [...]

March 22nd, 2021|News & Updates|

McPherson Avoids Blackouts During February 2021’s Extreme Weather Event

The extreme weather event we experienced last week is all compliments of the polar vortex, a term that is now well-known after last week.  The extreme cold affected nearly every state; in fact, most states experienced below-freezing temperatures at some point during the event. The frigid weather was a shock to the system for many, [...]

February 24th, 2021|News & Updates|

Water Main Replacement Plan Continues

BPU's Water Department will continue with its multi-year Main Street water main replacement program that we started last year (read that announcement here). Our next area of focus will be on the east side of the 200 and 300 blocks of north Main Street (between Marlin and the railroad tracks), requiring portions of Main Street [...]

February 24th, 2021|News & Updates|

Public Utilities Fortnightly Interview with BPU GM, Tim Maier

Business Leaders Discuss Renewable and Carbon Strategies What do a Zoo, a Life Sciences company and a City have in common? A need for renewable energy. In this episode of Video Roundtables Fortnightly, we talk to: Andy Savastino, Chief Environmental Officer, City of Kansas City, MO, Nathan Kimmerle; Site Director, Bayer Corp, Jeff Ettling, CEO, [...]

January 20th, 2021|News & Updates|

Water project moves forward for McPherson

On December 21, the City of McPherson officially approved the bonds to help finance the BPU’s development of the South Well-field. Review the project details from the December 2019 press release here. Although the BPU had originally planned to wait until 2022 to finance the project, it was ultimately decided to proceed this year to [...]

December 22nd, 2020|News & Updates|
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