News & Updates

 McPherson Board of Public Utilities Breaks Ground on their new Water Treatment Plant

For Immediate Release:  McPherson Board of Public Utilities Breaks Ground on their new Water Treatment Plant June 15th, 2023 Contact: Kasi Morales, BPU Key Accounts/Marketing Manager, 620-245-2521 On June 15th, 2023, the McPherson Board of Public Utilities had a groundbreaking ceremony to kick off the beginning of McPherson’s new and sustainable water supply, collectively known [...]

June 19th, 2023|News & Updates|

Employee Spotlight: Eric Goering

The McPherson Board of Public Utilities delivers some of the lowest-cost and most reliable power and water in the State.  However, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do as well as we do without our people.  For this reason, we want to showcase those people who significantly impact our business and community with [...]

McPherson BPU Awarded with “Certificate of Excellence in Reliability”

The American Public Power Association (APPA) has awarded the McPherson Board of Public Utilities (BPU) with a "Certificate of Excellence in Reliability" for reliable performance in 2022.  There were 219 public utilities honored, the McPherson BPU was one of four in Kansas. Utilities that are subscribers to APPA's eReliability Tracker service are eligible to earn [...]

April 13th, 2023|News & Updates|

BPU Crew Works To Restore Power In Chanute.

A powerful windstorm blew through Chanute Kansas on Monday April 3rd, 2023, leaving roughly 2,000 residents without power.  It was reported that the storm produced straight line winds of up to 100 mph, which caused wide-spread damage. On Tuesday Management at McPherson BPU were contacted by staff at the Kansas Municipal Utilities, who facilitates the [...]

April 10th, 2023|News & Updates|
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