News & Updates

Its National Fix a Leak Week! Know What You Can Do To Prevent High Water/Sewer Bills

In honor of Fix a leak week, we want to remind our customers of the cost of a water leak. It is recommended always to be on the lookout for water leaks since even the smallest of leaks, when left untreated, can cause major damage to your home and be costly to repair.  It is [...]

March 17th, 2025|News & Updates|

Happy Groundwater Awareness Week

It's Groundwater Awareness Week! A topic near and dear to employees of the McPherson Board of Public Utilities!  Since all of McPherson's water supply and a large portion of Central Kansas's water supply comes from groundwater, the BPU believes it's their responsibility to help educate the public on the importance of being good stewards of [...]

March 14th, 2025|News & Updates|

A Year in Review: BPU’s 2024 Projects

The BPU takes great pride in both its electric and water system. For this reason, the utility is continually reinvesting in its infrastructure and working on projects to ensure both systems remain safe and reliable. We want to take a moment to highlight the utility's accomplishments/investments in 2024: -South Well Field: BPU personnel played a [...]

BPU Presents At The Governor’s Water Conference

In November, BPU Project Manager Chris Unruh and Jeff Heidrick, Senior Project Manager with Burns & McDonnell, traveled to Manhattan, Kansas, to present to attendees of the Governor’s Water Conference on McPherson's South Well Field Project and how it delivers sustainable supply to McPherson and the region.  They were 2 of 60 presenters at the [...]

December 23rd, 2024|News & Updates|

Children’s Water Festival 2024

On October 25th, 2024, the BPU brought back its very successful Children's Water Festival after a four-year break.  As in the past, the attendees were Central Kansas 4th graders who rely on the Equus Beds Aquifer for clean water and filled several buildings on the McPherson College Campus.  This year, 347 students and teachers attended. [...]

November 13th, 2024|News & Updates|

Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day, November 1st!

BPU officially designates today, November 1st, as Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day! It provides the perfect reason to celebrate the 25 hard-working employees across the three departments that operate and maintain the McPherson BPU’s two power plants and eight substations. These dedicated crews ensure the power is there when our customers flip their switches. Their [...]

November 1st, 2024|News & Updates|

BPU Celebrates Completion Of The South Well Field Project!

For Immediate Release:  McPherson Board of Public Utilities Breaks Ground on their new Water Treatment Plant August 27th, 2024 Contact: Kasi Morales, BPU Key Accounts/Marketing Manager, 620-245-2521 On August 27th 2024 The McPherson Board of Public Utilities marked the completion of their collection of projects known as the South Well Field Project (SWF) with a [...]

August 28th, 2024|News & Updates|
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