It’s Groundwater Awareness Week!

A topic near and dear to employees of the McPherson Board of Public Utilities! 

Since all of McPherson’s water supply and a large portion of Central Kansas’s water supply comes from groundwater, the BPU believes it’s their responsibility to help educate the public on the importance of being good stewards of this precious life source. Groundwater contamination can easily occur without proper education and prevention. For this reason the BPU sponsors the McPherson Water Festival, with McPherson College graciously hosting the event on their campus.  The Water Festival is intended to inform children that being good stewards of the aquifer we draw water from today will make a difference in keeping groundwater safe and plentiful in the years to come.

The students participate in hands-on learning activities emphasizing the geology of the aquifer, landfill construction, the water cycle, water well construction, and many other fun, educational, water-based activities. Presenters and helpers for the various demonstrations and class guides have included representatives from Kansas Municipal Utilities, Burns & McDonnell, McPherson 4-H Extension, K-State Research and Extension, McPherson College, McPherson Area Solid Waste, Geary Co Conservation, Kansas Water Office, Natural Resources Conservation Service – Reno County and McPherson BPU employees and retirees.

Nearly 100 volunteers participate on the day of the Festival to ensure a fun, educational experience for those attending. The Children’s Water Festival is free to students and school districts, as local industry and community organizations underwrite it. Educating our youth today will help protect our water supply for future generations.

Happy Groundwater Awareness Week!