January 30, 2025
The Board of Public Utilities is considering changes to five Electric Service Schedules (AEC-25 All Electric Commercial, GSS-25 General Service Small, MMS-25 McPherson Municipal Service, RAE-25 Residential All Electric, and RES-25 Residential Electric Service) effective April 1, 2025, for all customers. The considered changes will include changing the 2-part rate to a 3-part rate including the demand charge and will be among the topics discussed during the Board meeting held on February 10, 2025, at 3:00 p.m., at the BPU administrative office building, 401 W. Kansas Avenue.
Kansas law requires the BPU to notify customers outside of and more than three miles from the corporate limits of the municipality of their right to attend the public meeting and to provide their comments. You also have the right to petition the KCC regarding the considered changes to the Electric Service Schedules. Any such petition must be signed by not less than 25% of the customers in the area beyond three miles from McPherson’s corporate limits and must be filed no later than one year following the effective date of the change in rates. Upon request, the BPU will provide a list of the names, addresses and classification of customers. While any such petition is pending, the new rates will remain in effect pending the outcome of a KCC investigation should the KCC determine that an investigation is warranted.